Web Disclaimer and Internet Privacy Statement
Keystone College网站可能包括不受监控的论坛,其中包含个人观点和发表广泛主题条目的人的其他表达. Neither the content of these sites, nor the links to other websites, 是筛选, 批准, reviewed or endorsed by Keystone College. Although Keystone does not monitor the content of the sites, Keystone has the right to remove material from the sites, 屏蔽, or take action with respect to the material in its sole discretion, although Keystone is under no obligation to do so. 您不得使用Keystone College计算资源或网站传播未经请求的广告或任何形式的促销材料.
这些网站上的文本和其他材料是特定作者的观点,而不是建议的陈述, 的意见, or information of Keystone College. 如果你觉得你可能会被网站的内容冒犯,你不应该继续.
版权ed material, including without limitation software, 图形, 文本, 照片, 声音, video and musical recordings, 不得在未经版权所有人明确许可的情况下在网站上放置该材料, or other legal entitlement to use the material. Keystone College respects the intellectual property right of others. 如果您认为您的版权在我们的网站上被侵犯,请通知我们的网站管理员.
Permission to Use Materials
考虑到你方同意本合同的条款和条件, Keystone College grants you a personal, 非排他的, non-transferable license to access and use the sites. 用户可从本网站下载资料作个人非商业用途. Users may not otherwise copy, 繁殖, 重新发送, 分发, 发布, commercially exploit or otherwise transfer any material. The burden of determining that use of any information, software or any other content on the site is permissible rests with the user.
Links to Other Sites
Keystone College的网站可能包含指向由他人维护或控制的网站的超链接. Keystone is not responsible for and does not routinely screen, 批准, 审查或认可可能在这些网站上提供的产品或服务的内容或使用.
Other Information
The sites may contain errors and omissions relating to product description, 定价, and availability. We reserve the right to correct errors or omissions without prior notice. 如果在描述中出现错误或遗漏,我们也保留取消任何提供的产品或服务的权利, including price, unavailability or other reason.
Internet Privacy Statement
Keystone College致力于保护我们网站用户的隐私和机密性. 我们的目标之一是让最终用户尽可能多地控制个人信息. Collecting information is an inherent part of the normal operation of our site. This statement describes what information is collected, how it is collected, why it is collected, and how it may be used. After reading it, 用户可以在知情的情况下决定是否及如何使用我们的各种互联网服务.
Like practically all Web servers, 当Web浏览器请求Web内容时,我们的Internet主机收集并存储Web浏览器发送的信息. 收集的信息可能包括用户计算机正在使用的互联网协议(IP)地址, or by the firewall or proxy server of the user’s network; the hostname associated with that address; the date and time the browser made the request; what page or file was requested; the page the browser “came from” immediately before the request; and “User agent” information, 这通常包括浏览器软件和计算机当前运行的操作系统.
存储这些日志的目的是分析人们如何使用我们系统的趋势. With this information we identify heavy use periods, the most common Web browsers, the most popular content on our sites, 和其他相关信息,以帮助我们提高我们网站的实用性和性能.
Electronic mail and messaging software
当用户使用电子邮件(e-mail)或即时消息服务联系Keystone的代表时, 该消息中包含的信息可用于响应该消息或提供所请求的服务或信息. 的消息, or information in it, 是否可以与学院的其他员工共享,以提供所要求的信息或服务. Information collected in this way, including e-mail addresses and messaging usernames, 永远不会分发给Keystone以外的个人或组织,除非绝对有必要满足要求. Keystone不会出于商业目的提供或出售电子邮件地址列表.
Some of our sites create a “cookie,” a record on your computer’s own hard disk, 是什么使得我们的站点能够识别出某个特定的计算机以前发出过请求. 我们的cookie仅用于提供需要此类记录的服务. 除了此类基于web的应用程序的需要之外,Keystone不会出于任何目的跟踪cookie.
Keystone may occasionally conduct online surveys of its user base, 其中可能包括校园社区成员和与Keystone没有直接关联的用户. As part of such surveys we may, with the user’s permission, collect personal and potentially identifying information. 以这种方式收集的任何信息都将用于服务的定量分析, perceived qualities of the college, and users’ attitudes towards Keystone or its Internet site. 如果这些资料将提供给其他组织或予以公布, that fact will be made known to users prior to participation, and their permission will be explicitly requested. 如果用户担心收集到的信息的使用,可以拒绝参与. Survey information will be released only in aggregate form, and not in connection with any identified individual user.
市场ing information
Keystone may collect information from a user, with the user’s permission, for the purpose of providing various services and information, possibly including promotional materials, or periodic updates on offered services or the progress of a previous request. 以这种方式收集的信息可能会与学院内的其他人或部门共享, 但不会以任何方式与不属于Keystone的个人或组织共享, unless necessary to fulfill a user’s request (for example, (向支付处理程序提供信用卡信息以完成支付交易).
Keystone网站的大部分内容都包含指向其他个人或组织的互联网服务器上的内容的链接, and not to Keystone. Keystone不能控制或对这些个人或组织收集和使用个人信息作出任何陈述.
Circumstances beyond our control
说明Keystone如何使用收集到的用户信息. However, it is not a guarantee of privacy. 收集的信息有可能在未经学院许可或不知情的情况下被披露(例如, if an Internet host is “attacked,” or is compromised by a virus). 因此,Keystone不对通过使用本网站收集的信息的隐私或不披露作出任何保证或陈述.